Hello friends, welcome to Cooling Guruji Blog. And today in this article we have brought a professional WordPress plugging for WordPress for you. That plugin name is wpforms, with the help of this plugin you can build the form. This plugin is designed to build a special forum

hello and welcome to quick tips in this video  i'll show you three free plugins to create a form   in wordpress website all the three plugins are  good and free to use the first one is contact   form seven the next one is caldera contact form  and the third one is wp form this video is just an   introduction to all these contact form plugins for  the wordpress website in the coming videos i'll   show you how to create forms using these three  plugins so let's start with the first plugin   that is contact form 7. those who are watching  my videos for the first time check out the playlist on my youtube channel you will find free  youtube video courses subscribe to my channel and   press the bell icon so that you will get instant  notification whenever i publish new free youtube   video course or new video tutorial now we are  on the website where we are going to install the contact form 7 so let's go to plugin then  go to add new now search for contact form 7.

What’s New in WPForms Pro v1.6.7.1 (Changelog)

v1.6.7.1] – 2021-06-15
### Changed
– Password strength text in the Form Builder matches the text on a frontend now.
– Improved logic of pasting a text in the fields with word and character limits.
– Updated DOMPurify lib to 2.2.9.
– Some admin notices can be dismissed on a per-user basis.

### Fixed
– Smart Tags don’t parse dot and comma symbols well.
– Occasional PHP Notices on getting addons’ download URLs and printing the entry.
– In rare cases, WPForms functions calls are not handled correctly inside the third-party frontend AJAX calls.
– Tooltipster JS error on Edit Entry page.
– Incorrect `wpforms_smart_tag_process` filter deprecation notice.
– Compatibility with the Elementor 3.1.x, 3.2.x and 3.3.x.
– Broken XLSX of exported entries in rare cases when server temporary directory is not writable.
– Cleanup database from obsolete data after preparing an entries export file for download.
– Properly handle errors reporting when entries exporting failed for some reason.

  • Added: Additional Print Entry screen controls for adding HTML fields and Section dividers into the printed page.
  • Added: Minimum password strength validation for a Password field.
  • Rephrased an error message for the Modern Upload field when the file wasn’t uploaded.
  • Rewrote inline captcha scripts in vanilla JS to improve its compatibility with a third-party code.
  • Replaced jQuery.isFunction() (deprecated as of jQuery 3.3) usages with a recommended counterpart.
  • Email Summaries subject line is changed to reduce the chance of going into the spam folder.
  • Updated DOMPurify lib to 2.2.8.
  • Changed: Externally disabled fields are displayed inside the Form Builder as dismissible notices.
  • And some other minor changes and bug fixes.

Features of WPForms Pro – Drag & Drop WordPress Form Builder Plugin

  • User-friendly drag & drop form builder
  • Pre-built form templates to save your time
  • Forms build using WPForms are 100% responsive
  • Conditional logics.
  • Upload files and media support
  • Custom user registration form support
  • Spam protection using captcha to fight with spam entries
  • Custom Captcha support
  • Paypal addon to collect payments
  • Mailchimp addon for integration
  • Survey and Polls form support
  • Clean codes
  • Beginner’s friendly design
  • 20+ Pro addons
  • Multiple pages form also supported
  • Instant form submission notification

Sales Page of WPForms Pro v1.6.7.1  – WordPress Form Builder Plugin

File Password Protected: 321

Wp Forms Download
7.17MB .rar

WPForms Addons Installation Guide: 
  • First of all, extract the wp forms-addons.zip file.
  • There you will get about 23 addon zip files inside it.
  • Now select any addon that you need and upload it directly to your WordPress as a plugin (WordPress Dashboard>>Plugins>>Add New>>Upload).
  • In the same way, you have to upload them one by one (as per your needs).
  • That’s it, the addon’s features will be automatically enabled now.


Is WPForms free?

WPForms Lite is the free version of WPForms, the world’s most popular WordPress form plugin. It lets you easily create, save, and publish forms on your WordPress website without writing a single line of code. … You’ll be happy to learn that the WPForms Lite plugin is free, forever.

What is WPForms?

WPForms is the most beginner friendly WordPress contact form plugin. It’s used by over 4,000,000 sites. The drag & drop online form builder makes it easy for you to create a beautiful contact form, email subscription form, payment form, or any other type of online form with just a few clicks.

Is WPForms worth?

The forms created with WPForms are incredibly fast and SEO friendly. The drag and drop builder makes form creation a breeze. Best of all, it allows integration with various tools like email marketing tools, payment processors, web apps, and other useful add-ons.

How do I add a WordPress WPForms?

To access your site’s widgets, navigate to Appearance » Widget in the WordPress admin area sidebar. Then, scroll down to find the WPForms widget. Next, drag and drop the WPForms widget to a widget location of your choice. Then, click on the WPForms widget to select your form.

How much does WPForms cost?

There are currently four options for purchasing WPForms: Basic: $79 for use on one site. Plus: $199 for use on three sites, plus extra email marketing integration features. Pro: $399 for use on 20 sites, plus payment and other features.

How can I view WPForms entries for free?

To do this, go to WPForms » Entries. To view the entries of a specific form, click on that form’s title. Alternatively, you can view individual entries. To do this, go to WPForms » All Forms to open the Forms Overview page.

How do I install WPForms?

Click on the Choose File button and select the WPForms zip file you just downloaded. After your file is uploaded, go ahead and click on the Install Now button. This will begin the installation process for you.

How do I set up WPForms?

Click Start the WPForms Challenge to get started.
Step 1: Create Your First Form. After you click Start the WPForms Challenge, you’ll be taken to the WPForms form builder. …
Step 2: Customize Your Form Fields. …
Step 3: Check Notification Settings. …
Step 4: Embed Your Simple Contact Form in a Page.

Is WPForms secure?

It comes with a tons of powerful features to secure WordPress forms and protect your website from spam, hacking, and data theft. There is also a free version available called WPForms Lite. It is equally secure but has limited features.

What is WPForms plugin?

WPForms is the most beginner friendly WordPress contact form plugin in the market. Our intuitive drag and drop form builder allows you to easily create contact forms, email subscription forms, payment forms, and other type of online forms with just a few clicks (without writing any code or hiring a developer).